


Puppy Agreement


Sire: __________________________________________    Dam:__________________________________________

Date of Birth_____________________Sex________________


New Owners Name: ________________________________________Phone (_____)______________


This German Shepherd puppy is being sold for the price of $___________. Deposits/full purchase price are non-refundable this includes if the above said puppy needs to be returned due to the puppy cannot be kept for any reason such as other animals do not get along with the pup, or the puppy does not work out, etc, In addition, all expenses for preparation if the puppy needs to be shipped, there is an additional amount of $300 at the buyers expense. 

The new owner has 48 hours from the date of sale to have the puppy examined by a veterinarian of their own choice, at their own expense, but not necessary. If the vet exam reveals that the puppy is diseased or has a genetic defect, the buyer must contact the breeder on the day of the office visit. The puppy must be returned if the buyer wishes to the breeder within 96 hours along with a written statement from the attending vet as to the health problem, for a replacement puppy when one becomes available. Replacement is the only option. Returning the puppy will be at the buyer's expense. There is no guarantee against accidents. No veterinary bills will be paid by the breeder. The buyer can request a replacement puppy of equal value.  Puppies that become sick or die due to an accident or buyers negligence (chewing electrical cords, hung by collar, exposing the puppy to strange dogs not living in the home before fully vaccinated, etc.) will not be replaced or refunded. If any of the above said would happen to the puppy/dog and would die, the buyer would need to have a vet report stating the cause of the accidental death and provided to the breeder in case a replacement puppy will be given.

We only breed 1-3 litters per year – a replacement puppy may not be immediately available.

It is agreed that at no time will the owner sell or give this puppy to a pet store, a puppy mill operation, a dog pound, a dog broker, or any similar enterprise. In the event that the owner needs to find a new home for the puppy, the breeder should be contacted for possible assistance.


Buyer agrees to maintain the puppy’s health with regular veterinary care, vaccinations and worming, heartworm preventative, and to provide a caring home and adequate shelter.  The puppy is not the be tied, chained or otherwise tethered; nor allowed to roam free, except while on a leash or under the direct supervision and control of the owner.  If the puppy is ever discovered living in such manner, the breeder will repossess the dog.  NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN!!!!!!!

Having read the above, and with full understanding of the contents herein, I willingly enter into this agreement.


New Owner:________________________________________________Date__________________

New Co-owner:_____________________________________________Date___________________

Seller_______________________________________________Date of Sale___________________



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